Meet SASiety

“I kind of think of SASiety as “ohana”. It means family in Hawaiian, but it can refer to a family you find yourself in. Ohana can include best friends or anyone you feel close to. That’s what I want SASiety to be.”
– Conny Kaufmann


Born within the walls of the legendary Senate House, the SASiety aims to continue a tradition of intellectualism, cultural inquisitiveness, and interest in what makes us tick not only as individuals but also, as a collective whole. Though the society was originally created to bring in together postgraduate students from different institutes within the School of Advanced Study, we are committed to bringing together people from all paths of life and we welcome anyone who wants to join in on the conversation.

We hope our blog is a safe space for everyone. Our Editor-in-Chief’s, Conny Kaufmann, priority is to report on the happenings within the School of Advanced Study and to also keep us in the loop about important global events. It is our duty to report factually correct news and we will always add the opinions of experts in our posts to keep you best informed.

You can participate and post your thoughts, too! Every so often we will have open calls where we will accept submissions so you can let us know what you think on certain topics.

Do make sure to sign up for our newsletter so you can keep in touch. Make sure you add us to your safe-sender list so our communications don’t end up in the junk folder!

Your SASiety Team

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SASiety Committee 2020/21

Elena Zolotariov (IES)

Elena Zolotariov (IES)

SASiety President

Elena is committed to furthering the vision of the society’s founders, Hari Mountford and Steph Homer. She overlooks the society’s workings, by delegating duties and supporting the committee and its members.


Islay Shelbourne (IHR)

Islay Shelbourne (IHR)

Social Events Secretary

Islay is responsible for planning and running our social events. From open mics, performances, book clubs, wine and cheese evenings, pub quizzes, you name it! We are always looking for creative ways to expand our events, so if you have any ideas of what you’d like to see, do get in touch!

Natalia Fantetti (IES)

Natalia Fantetti (IES)

Academic Events Secretary

Natalia supervises our academic events, such as (virtual) conferences, academic talks, and more! She ensures meetings are effectively organised and minutes them, while also maintaining effective records and administration. If you would like to see any speaker on our series, don’t hesitate to let us know!

Conny Kaufmann (IMLR)

Conny Kaufmann (IMLR)

Editor-in-Chief & Publicity Officer

Conny is the head of SASiety’s blog. She writes and supervises the publication of articles. Her goal is to report effectively and accurately about what’s happening around London and in the world, especially things that concern postgraduate students.

Monja Stahlberger (IMLR)

Monja Stahlberger (IMLR)

Assistant Editor

Monja will be working closely with the Editor-in-Chief to research and schedule new articles. She ensures that deadlines are met, while also conceptualizing and pitching stories. You won’t be seeing any typos under her watch!

Poppy Joyce (ICwS)

Poppy Joyce (ICwS)


The main responsibility of the Treasurer is to make sure Elena doesn’t spend all the money on wine. But seriously, Poppy will have the general financial oversight. She oversees our budget, gives us reports on our spending and helps us make the most of our events.